Friday, May 9, 2014

#OnlineWebinar Brand-Aid 101: June 1, 2014 6pm

Dolce Belletto is offering the Brand-Aid 101 seminar online.  Click here below to pre-register for the event.

Topics covered during this seminar include:
    -What is Success
    -What is a Brand
    -What is an Image (in its entirety)
    -Action Plans (goals vs. objectives vs. tactics)
    -Target Market
    -Dolce Belletto's 3 C's: Cohesiveness, Clarity and Consistency
    -Making Social Media Work for You
    -Brand and Image Differentiation, Loyalty and Awareness
    -Excerpts from Brand-Aid: A Guide to Developing a Brand and Image for Success

Live streaming video by Ustream

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at!!!

For tips, tricks and information on branding and image solutions, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn!! You can also email us at!!!


  Your brand and image are two major components necessary for success, but often neglected.  BRAND-AID: A GUIDE FOR DEVELOPING A BRAND AND IMAGE FOR SUCCESS aids its readers in the beginning stages of creating a brand and image that caters to their demographic, speaks to their craft/profession/career and presents a strong message to the public.

This book focuses on developing a brand and image that embodies Dolcè Belletto’s 3 C’s: cohesiveness, clarity and consistency.  Each chapter is filled with information, tasks and activities so that the reader is able to gain a better understanding of the material they just read.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

#DolceBelletto: How-to Stay in the Know

Google Alerts is a service that allows users to sign up for info
to be emailed to them as it hits the web
By: Contrecia T. Tharpe
April 10, 2014

The best way to stay ahead in business and to remain progressive in whatever you are doing is to remain in the know about the things going on in your industry, with your indirect and direct competitors and with certain things that may affect your demographic/consumer. This also allows you to become more knowledgable on certain subjects which increases your expertise level in that area.

The question is always asked, 'how do I stay in the know' and the answer is always, usually, and sarcastically, 'Industry magazines or Google'.  While the answer seems to be the norm, many people do not know about a service that Google offers called Google Alerts.  Per Google, Google Alerts is "emails sent to you when Google finds new results--such as web pages, newspaper articles or blogs--that match your search term". You can select the frequency that you receive the email notifications...I recommend once per day.  The emails come to the email that you specify when entering your query(ies) and feature clickable links that take you to the articles or blogs.  You can also share the post directly from the email on your social media sites (Google +, Facebook and Twitter are the only ones currently supported directly through Google Alerts).  This allows you to post articles to your social media with hashtags and links to more information that people may be searching for...if people utilize your links, they are more likely to RT or share directly from your page, which increases your pages(s) awareness, visibility and followers/likes. Also, when you click on the link and share it directly from the source, it will more often than not include the @ name of the person or organization who wrote the article.  This will, typically, create a relationship between you and the post's author....either way, it's a win-win.  You get to stay in the know, share content with your demographic and increase your page's awareness and visibility!

Now the question is "how do I set up the alerts?"

  1. Visit (can be accessed from a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone)
  2. Enter your query (can be a word or phrase; one query per submission)
  3. Select Result type (everything, news, blogs, discussions, video, books)
  4. Select Language
  5. Select Region (select Any Region to receive information from all around the world)
  6. Select Frequency (once-a-day, once-a-week or as it happens; I recommend once a day)
  7. Select How Many (only best results or all results; I recommend all results)
  8. Enter the email address that you want the query(ies) emailed to
  9. Begin the process over again for the next query.
You can also revisit this page to manage the alerts that you have set up.  This comes in handy when you want to delete a query or change the frequency, type or region that you want to receive. 

Brand-Aid: A Guide to Developing a Brand and Image for Success is now for sale on Amazon or directly through Dolce Belletto at  
Book Synopsis: Your brand and image are two major components necessary for success, but often neglected.  BRAND-AID: A GUIDE FOR DEVELOPING A BRAND AND IMAGE FOR SUCCESS aids its readers in the beginning stages of creating a brand and image that caters to their demographic, speaks to their craft/profession/career and presents a strong message to the public. 

This book focuses on developing a brand and image that embodies Dolcè Belletto’s 3 C’s: cohesiveness, clarity and consistency.  Each chapter is filled with information, tasks and activities so that the reader is able to gain a better understanding of the material they just read.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

7 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You

With your business or entity, your biggest goal is to become successful in any sense and to continuously grow. A lot of times we become discouraged or put off by others in our field achieving more and doing better than us. What we don't realize is that their success....or failures....can teach us very important things about how we conduct business, run it and succeed.

Learn from the competition? Who would have ever thought that that would be a key to success. But think about it....studying those around you in similar industries can help you see areas that you need to eliminate, increase or create. By adopting and implementing some of their strategies that make sense for you and your company, you can turn your negative areas into positives!

Below are a list of things that Dolce Belletto feels you can learn from your competitors (note: all competitors do not have to be local...look beyond your community for competition...who knows you may find an opening in a new market)!

1.) Marketing:
           Marketing is the action  or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.  Marketing is an essential part of success as a business as it allows you to create an awareness of your brand in the public.  Many companies do not know where to start with marketing/advertising and promotion.  They usually just throw out some tweets and hope that the company catches on sooner rather than later. However, your competitors advertising methods and approaches can definitely teach you a few things about marketing in your industry and ways to market that may be extremely successful or, at the complete opposite end of the spectrum, fail.

2.) Revision of Approach:
          You have the perfect business start-up concept or you are currently running the business of your dreams...upon research on the competitor, you see that they are doing the same exact thing as you, but their sales and customer loyalty seems to be higher....which ultimately lead to higher profits.  But how?  It is very possible that their approach of dealing with customers and ^^^ (marketing) is completely different than yours which has led to their success. So what do you do?  If your demographic is similar or the same as the competition, revise your approach.  We don't suggest completely copying and pasting their methods; however, implementing those ideas and strategies that work with your mission, vision and current operations can help to increase sales, profitability and consumer loyalty with your product(s) and/or service(s).

3.) Weak Areas of Industry:
          Before entering a market/industry, those businesses that are currently operating similar or the same businesses can show you areas that you should avoid....or if you are an opportunist, improve upon.  In every industry, there are areas that most companies avoid penetrating due to various reasons. It could be lack of necessary resources or fear since no one else has attempted business in those areas. From this you could choose the same behavior OR you could set the tone and accomplish what most haven't in your particular industry.  It is all about your personality and business goals and objectives. Be cautioned, though, that the resources needed to breakthrough in those areas may be definitely weigh and consider all possibilities before entering into a plan.

4.) Social Media Marketing & Management:
          Social media....when most people hear this they think of Facebook and Twitter...and time wasted on the internet posting statuses about things you are currently doing.  We have all seen the commercials with the individuals posting statuses 'Now eating dinner' on their twitter.  As a business, social media is so much more than a centralized location to post statuses about the nothingness and boring randomness of life.  Social media is one of the cheapest forms of marketing available, the cheapest being word of mouth.  What you don't hear about as a business, is that, as of October 2013, Facebook has over 500 million users and Twitter has over 640 million users.  In EVERY industry, there are businesses that rely solely on social media to bring in new customers/clients and have become very successful utilizing these services and websites.   I am an advocate of social media usage in businesses. For every market there is a social media site that is more popular. (see the graph below).  Research your demographic's social media preference and expand your business by creating a presence on the web! 

5.) Financial Aspects of the Business
          This is more geared towards those that are looking to start a business.  The worst thing is to go into business with an idea of how things may work out for you, only to find out that your capital and expected revenue was grossly under-calculated. It is best to go into business with realistic expectations. When most people hear self-employed or entrepreneur, they hear 'more money, more money, more..' ; however, it's quite the opposite.  Depending on the industry, your break even period may take months to obtain, and it may take even longer to actual begin seeing profit. Analyzing your competitions financial statements (if a publicly traded company, financial statements are open to the public....just use Google) allows you to realistically see the funds necessary for running a business.  Many companies stay in the red for the first 1-3 years of operating...that scares many off.....less than 50% of small businesses are still around after 4 years.  These factors all depend on your industry....but they are definitely things to consider.  

6.) Blogging:
          Blogging is the act of writing material (thoughts, reviews, opinions, education material on products/services, etc.) to be published on the web to be viewed by the general public (sidenote: I made up that definition....Merriam should hire me! lol). Depending on your industry, it could be beneficial to start a blog.  People like the accessibility of blogs and being able to read reviews and thoughts on products/services/things going on around the related or not. From your competitors, you can see if blogging is at all beneficial.  To blog takes a lot of time and commitment.  It is a rarity that you sit down and can write a blog in 10 minutes or less. Look at your competition's website and look for blog the blogs and see if there are any comments. The plus side to a blog is that it can establish you as an expert in your field!

7.) Do you REALLY want to be in this industry:
          The BIGGEST thing your competition can teach you is whether or not you want to be in the industry at all.  It is one thing to love the idea or to conceptualize something and think it's your Aha! Moment, but it is another thing, completely, to actually, successfully stick with an idea for better or for worse.  Once you enter into a business, it becomes your spouse.  You are married to have to be passionate about have to set aside time to make sure that it grows to be the business you know that it can be. It takes time....and money...and a PASSION for what you are offering.  It CAN NOT be about the money aspect of it. The money will come, but not automatically. There will be sacrifices made.  Research your competitor...when was their business long before they reached the level they are at the industry sustainable or could it be phased out or eliminated all together? Are you willing to stick it out?

Regardless of what you are providing, be it a service or a product, there are learning opportunities all around you. The internet has provided us with the ability to research topics until we feel like we are going to burst if we read one more sentence....utilize the service! 

Until then,

For tips, tricks and information on branding and image solutions, follow us on Twitter , Facebook or LinkedIn!! You can also email us at!!!

  Brand-Aid is a book series composed of one guide and a corresponding workbook. Ultimately, they are a guide to developing and building a brand and image for success.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Ask Trecie: Eyeshadow Longevity

Question: I’ve tried cheap eyeshadow, expensive eyeshadow and eyeshadow sticks and it really annoys me that i can’t just put on make up in the morning and expect it to last all day. I don’t mind spending time on my looks in the morning but im just not the type of girl who can be bothered to constantly touch it up all day, especially like when im at a party or whatever. It’s bad enough having to re-do eyeliner (i usually flick out the eyeshadow at the sides but i find it really tricky to do both sides the same) without my eyeshadow coming off too. The eyeshadow sticks were the worst because unlike the pressed powder eyeshadow, which simply fades, the sticks formed greasy lines in the creases of my eyelid. So help me, what can i do?
Answer: Eyeshadow primers would insure that your eyeshadow looks would last all day.  The primer acts as a barrier so that the oiliness of your skin doesn’t interfere with the product.  The eye shadow remains in place all day. PLUS, the primer also aids with color payoff, making the eyeshadow colors appear true to tone instead of muted down.  Some primers are L’oreal Decrease, Lorac’s Primer, Urban Decay Primer Potion, and Too Faced Shadow Insurance.  

To get your makeup, skincare, branding or image questions answered, feel free to email them to!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Brand-Aid: A Brand Is More than a Logo

Many people feel that a brand is all about a logo. A solid logo, to some, equates a solid brand. However, in the grand scheme of things, a logo is only a fraction of the parts needed to make your brand different, unique and attention grabbing. In this series we have discussed the definition of a brand and why it's important. Let's now discuss the components of a brand. **note: these topics will be covered more in Brand-Aid: A Guide To Developing An Image and Brand For Success released Spring 2014**

Your brand is composed of the things that you deem most important in your business. Your vision, your mission, your passion, your expertise...your talent, your gift, your gimmick. Your brand is the art of taking the things and masterfully creating a sturdy and strong foundation for future business to be built on. Through consistency and clarity, along with familiarity, brand attractiveness (more on this in a future blog) and an the consumer's/market's ability to relate to your brand, success, reputation and increased awareness is bound to follow.

For tips, tricks and information on branding and image solutions, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn!! You can also email us at!!!

  Brand-Aid is a book series composed of one guide and four workbooks. Ultimately, they are a guide to developing and building a brand and image for success.